What Can You Do?

Here are some practical tips.

Click on the various headings to read more.

What can you do?Rational use of energy

Rational use of energy

  • Prioritize purchase of products with low environmental impact.
  • Save paper; print only if necessary, and print and copy on both sides.
  • Pull down the front pane of glass on the fume hood when it is not in use.
  • Defrost the freezers.
  • Turn off the lights when you leave the room.
  • Turn off computers and equipment when they are not in use.

Did you know?

  • An open fume hood consumes the same amount of energy every year as an average single-family dwelling.
  • An iced-up freezer can use twice as much electricity as a defrosted freezer.

What can you do?A reduced greenhouse effect

A reduced greenhouse effect

  • Travel mainly by rail and use air transport wisely.
  • Use public transport, go by bike or walk instead of taking the car.
  • Choose locally produced organic and Fairtrade food. Reduce your intake of red meat.
  • Coordinate orders and recycle.
  • Scale down lab experiments and save on disposables.

Did you know?

  • A one-way flight between Gothenburg and Stockholm emits more than 71,000 times more carbon dioxide per person than the same journey by train (train approx. 1 g, flight 71.63 kg).

What can you do?Safe handling of chemicals

Safe handling of chemicals

  • Register every hazardous chemical in the KLARA system.
  • Carry out risk assessments of chemicals and/or methods.
  • Replace hazardous chemicals with less dangerous ones wherever possible. Study the substitution list.

Did you know?

  • The KLARA chemical database contains nearly 110,000 chemicals.
  • Production and use of chemicals in society cause one-tenth of greenhouse gas emissions.

What can you do?Fire prevention

Fire prevention

  • Are all the correct signs and labels in place?
  • Has everyone been informed about fire protection?
  • Are regular fire safety inspections performed?
  • Think about fire safety in the lab.

Did you know?

1 liter of tap water that evaporates will form 1,700 liters of vapor at 800° C.

What can you do?Recycling


  • Sort the trash according to the recycling guide.
  • Don’t discard chemicals down the drain.
  • Dispose of left-over chemicals as hazardous chemical waste. For more information, consult the guide to hazardous waste or ask your environmental representative.

Did you know?

  • It takes only 1/20 of the energy to remake a new aluminum can from recycled aluminum, compared with manufacturing a new can.
  • More than 90% of all aluminum cans are recycled.
  • Plastic outdoor furniture can be made of recycled plastic.
  • A used milk carton can be turned into a useful shoe box.
  • An old newspaper can be turned into a new one.
  • Used capsules can be converted into a reinforcing bar.